“Best keynote speaker I’ve ever heard!”
Tom Moen, Microsoft

All of Our Keynote Programs Can Be Delivered Virtually or In-Person

“Life-changing!” “Inspirational.” “So practical.”

Manley hears these reactions after every keynote. It’s why he’s passionate about his calling. Motivational speeches are a dime-a-dozen, but an immersive keynote that helps your team refine their vision and take actionable steps to reach their goals?

That’s what Manley Feinberg delivers, every time.

Because in addition to a lifetime of adventure, Manley knows business. His 11 years of leadership influence helped take the Build-A-Bear Workshop from 40 to over 400 stores worldwide, with massive revenue growth and a successful IPO on the NYSE.

With decades of success from boardroom to basecamp, Manley has the experience to equip and inspire your team to Reach the Next Summit. 

Manley can support your efforts by carefully customizing a keynote for your event.

“Words alone will not do Manley Feinberg justice. You MUST experience him. Wow!! Electrifying, passionate, powerful message delivery, expertly fine-tuned to exceed your goals and expectations.”
Sandy Hutzler Program Manager, Infrastructure Services CNO Financial Group

Program Manager, Infrastructure Services CNO Financial Group

Manley knows the importance of leadership first-hand: whether leading a team to the summit of El Capitan or guiding a global team at Build a Bear to record results, he’s studied and tested a lifetime of professional development strategies, and knows what works and what doesn’t.

That’s why he’s so effective at helping leaders rethink leadership. Do your managers know the one time their teams will love them for micro-managing? Do they know the 3 critical characteristics of every successful leader, from Henry Ford to Sir Edmund Hillary?

They will after this extraordinary keynote.

  • Lessons from the leadership trenches that will transform your team
  • Key insights for revolutionizing your team’s profit and sales
  • Help your direct reports show up and step up as leaders
“Words alone will not do Manley Feinberg justice. You MUST experience him. Wow!! Electrifying, passionate, powerful message delivery, expertly fine-tuned to exceed your goals and expectations.”
Sandy Hutzler Program Manager, Infrastructure Services CNO Financial Group

Manley knows the importance of leadership first-hand: whether leading a team to the summit of El Capitan or guiding a global team at Build a Bear to record results, he’s studied and tested a lifetime of professional development strategies, and knows what works and what doesn’t.

That’s why he’s so effective at helping leaders rethink leadership. Do your managers know the one time their teams will love them for micro-managing? Do they know the 3 critical characteristics of every successful leader, from Henry Ford to Sir Edmund Hillary.

They will after this extraordinary keynote.

  • Lessons from the leadership trenches that will transform your team
  • Key insights for revolutionizing your team’s profit and sales
  • Help your direct reports show up and step up as leaders
“Words alone will not do Manley Feinberg justice. You MUST experience him. Wow!! Electrifying, passionate, powerful message delivery, expertly fine-tuned to exceed your goals and expectations.”
Sandy Hutzler Program Manager, Infrastructure Services CNO Financial Group

It’s time for a reset. Do your teams feel stuck? Unmotivated? Let Manley help them find the drive they need to succeed. All they need is trusted guide.

In “Peak Performance,” he walks audiences through 7 lessons that have helped transform countless teams. He draws on his success in business and climbing to help listeners understand their vision, become self-starters, and push forward with a new, incredible momentum. Everyone leaves this talk changed!

  • Leaves audiences refreshed and re-energized
  • A high-energy, action-packed talk (perfect for that too-early-in-the-morning session!)
  • Combines decades of business savvy with Manley’s unique experience in business and climbing
“He energized our audiences and got everyone thinking outside their normal boxes and comfort zones – exactly what we want in a keynote speaker.”
Jack Mortimer Vice President – Events at e.Republic

It’s time for a reset. Do your teams feel stuck? Unmotivated? Let Manley help them find the drive they need to succeed. All they need is trusted guide.

In “Peak Performance,” he walks audiences through 7 lessons that have helped transform countless teams. He draws on his success in business and climbing to help listeners understand their vision, become self-starters, and push forward with a new, incredible momentum. Everyone leaves this talk changed!

  • Leaves audiences refreshed and re-energized
  • A high-energy, action-packed talk (perfect for that too-early-in-the-morning session!)
  • Combines decades of business savvy with Manley’s unique experience in business and climbing
“He energized our audiences and got everyone thinking outside their normal boxes and comfort zones – exactly what we want in a keynote speaker.”
Jack Mortimer Vice President – Events at e.Republic

You’ve got a good product. Good processes. Good people. But few are operating at their best. Why? Because they don’t have what Manley likes to call the Momentum Mindset.

Over his years in business, he’s seen so many teams struggle to forge the clarity and focus they need for breakthrough results.

Manley has learned that the secret is making sure teams are equipped with actionable insights and authentically inspired to act. In this keynote, he’ll walk your team through the 7 insights they need to operate at the peak of their abilities.

  • An unforgettable keynote experience that’s different from any you’ve heard
  • Full of practical advice from Manley’s years of delivering explosive sales growth
  • Perfect for unlocking the potential of your current (and future) top performers
“My team’s national rank has risen from #106 to #78 out of more than 18,000 independent agencies in just a few short months. My overall production from my team has also risen about 32%!”
Bradford O’Neil Principal at Bradford O’Neil – State Farm Agency, LLC.

You’ve got a good product. Good processes. Good people. But few are operating at their best. Why? Because they don’t have what Manley likes to call the Momentum Mindset.

Over his years in business, he’s seen so many teams struggle to forge the clarity and focus they need for breakthrough results.

Manley has learned that the secret is making sure teams are equipped with actionable insights and authentically inspired to act. In this keynote, he’ll walk your team through the 7 insights they need to operate at the peak of their abilities.

  • An unforgettable keynote experience that’s different from any you’ve heard
  • Full of practical advice from Manley’s years of delivering explosive sales growth
  • Perfect for unlocking the potential of your current (and future) top performers
“My team’s national rank has risen from #106 to #78 out of more than 18,000 independent agencies in just a few short months. My overall production from my team has also risen about 32%!”
Bradford O’Neil Principal at Bradford O’Neil – State Farm Agency, LLC.

“Manley was contagious, with enthusiasm that filled the room. He engaged, energized, inspired and encouraged me to go for the next summit, to continue to climb.”
Tricia Montgomery Founder & CEO, K9 Fit Club

“…the real power was in how Manley aligned his message to day-to-day life, and the challenges and opportunities that our financial planners business owners are facing.”
Andrew Kennedy CEO at Total Financial Solutions

“Manley inspired and equipped our sales and marketing teams to achieve breakthrough Q3 / Q4 results!”

Jim Norton EVP, Sales & Marketing at Bomgar

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A Resource to Help You Gain Clarity, Build Momentum, and Get What’s Important Done.

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